How Long Do Bohemian Box Braids Last?
There are so many different names for box braids out there that almost every new braid you hear of is another box braid. While the different names sometimes put a slight twist on the traditional look of the braid, there’s often no difference in most cases. Talking about Bohemian braids in this case, how long do Bohemian box braids last?
Bohemian braids can theoretically last for up to six or eight months under the best circumstances. For the best look and experience with your hair, however, you don’t want to wear boho braids for upwards of eight weeks. Doing that will only introduce frizz and breakage, which you apparently do not want with your hair.
In this article, you’ll get an answer to the question: how long do bohemian box braids last? In addition to that, you’ll learn how to maintain the braids to make them last longer, among many other things you may want to learn about the hairstyle.

How Long Do Bohemian Box Braids Last?
The bohemian braids hairstyle is one of the longer-lasting protective hairstyles out there, but that doesn’t give you a free pass to wear them forever. Eventually, you’ll still have to take them apart, but how long do bohemian box braids last ideally?
You can carry bohemian braids for as long as you want, as long as it keeps looking good on you. If you patronize an expert stylist that used natural hair, you can wear it for up to half a year with adequate maintenance, but that’s not the optimal lifespan of the braids.
To avoid having to deal with frizz and a lot of breakages, especially when taking the hair apart, you want to only keep your bohemian braids for not more than eight weeks. Since you can reuse the extensions, reinstalling them often will prevent all kinds of hair problems, while making your hair look shiny all week long.
One way to ensure your hair looks excellent at all times is to follow expert maintenance tips for your boho braids. In the following section, you’ll learn how to maintain your bohemian braids to make them last a lot longer.
How to Maintain Bohemian Braids
While bohemian box braids do last for a pretty long time naturally, the hairstyle can do even better. As this article has hinted earlier, the secret to it doing better is adequate maintenance, which is something most people always seem to ignore once they have their braids installed. But, how do you maintain bohemian box braids exactly?
Since the bohemian braid hairstyle is pretty unique, even in the braid category, there are a couple of haircare tips that are unique to it. For one, getting long braids is not recommended if your hair is not strong enough to withstand such pressure.
Sure, you can slap half a dozen hair extensions to your hair and end up with something super long, you’ll end up putting more pressure on your hair which may lead to a lot of issues like scalp irritation and even outright hair breakage; the risks are massive.
Also, leaving your bohemian braids in for longer than two weeks is a pretty effective way to invite frizz and all kinds of unpleasant effects to your hair. You don’t actually realize the full effects of doing that until it’s time for you to take the hair apart, only to discover that it has been rendered impossible due to the tangles.
Since bohemian braids expose a healthy bulk of your scalp, you may want to get as much moisturizer as possible to prevent a dry and itchy scalp. In addition to preventing an absolutely dry scalp, you can still beneficial oils that will enhance hair growth, while keeping your hairstyle fresh and shiny.
How Much Do Bohemian Box Braids Cost?
Before going for bohemian braids, you may want to compare how much it costs to install them to the cost of other popular hairstyles to see if it’s really worth the cost. Of course, you’ll need to know how much bohemian braids cost first before you can make this comparison.
Firstly, it’s crucial to note that there are numerous factors that impact how much you’ll eventually have to pay for your hair. Factors like the length of your hair, the number of extension packs you’re buying, and how full you want the hair to look are what may cause you to spend more or less on the braids.
When you factor in all the expenses, the price for a full head of bohemian braids should come in at about $300, give or take. You can cut down the price by installing it yourself and reusing hair extensions, but eventually, the cost should still accumulate to what’s being quoted, especially if you’re using human hair.
To make the cost worthwhile, you want to ensure you’re keeping the braids for as long as you possibly can. While that sounds like a chore, all you need is to follow the tips I’ve mentioned earlier and you should be fine.
What Kind of Hair Do You Use for Bohemian Braids?
One of the ways stylists create unique looks for different hairstyles is by using different kinds of hair. While most hairstyles require you to use a very specific kind of hair extension, bohemian braids don’t. Either way, what kind of hair do you use for bohemian braids exactly?
For the most natural look and the best qualities, it’s best to go for natural human hair. It’s by far the most expensive option out there, costing upwards of $100 per pack, but it usually offers a lot of benefits over synthetic hair extensions. Also, you probably already that one pack will not be enough.
If you’re going for the cheaper and more popular option: synthetic hair, you may want to go with Kanekalon braiding hair. It’s affordable and durable, and it looks as natural as synthetic hair gets, only that it doesn’t compare to natural hair when it comes to all the positive properties.
At the end of the day, the kind of hair extension you choose will only have little effect on how the style is eventually going to turn out. If you’re after quality, nothing compares to human hair, and if you intend to save as much as you can, Kanekalon braiding hair is the best option by a long shot.
If you’re after a long-lasting hairstyle, bohemian braids will probably be the best option for you. You can keep the costs unbelievably low if you’re on a budget while ensuring the hair lasts as long as you want it to with minimal maintenance.