16 Funky Tapered Haircuts for Natural Hair
If you prefer a haircut to styling your hair, there’s more than one way to do that. Here have sixteen ideas, and that’s for tapered haircuts for natural hair alone.
While females used to avoid getting haircuts, recent years have seen a huge increase in the number of people willing to let go of some of their hair to look better. The dislike against cutting hair is slowly dissolving and metamorphosing into acceptance, and I daresay preference.
If you’re one of the females that have come to prefer haircuts to get a full hairstyle, there’s a question that you’ll likely always be asking yourself is this: what haircut should I get exactly? However, maybe you’re asking the wrong person that question, as you have no answers anyway.
Instead of asking yourself, why not get ideas from ladies that have haircuts that look excellent already? In this compilation, I’ll walk you through 16 tapered haircuts for natural hair you should consider trying if you intend to pick up the scissors. Without further ado, let’s jump in.
1. Natural Colored Statement Tapered Haircut

One of the boldest ways to make a statement with your hair is coloring it unusually, as this idea depicts. If you’re not against the idea of painting your hair a bright brownish-red, this natural tapered haircut should work excellently for you. While this hairstyle will beautify anyone, you’ll likely get bonus points if you’re black.
2. Tapered Mohawk Haircut with Curls

If your beautification strategy revolves around getting a haircut, it would be completely disrespectful not to consider a Mohawk, given how popular and adorable it looks. Thankfully, you don’t have to do away with two-thirds of your hair volume to get an adorable Mohawk; twisting or braiding your hair in a specific way could get you one without requiring you to cut most of your hair.
3. Tapered Twist Out

Looking closely at the preceding hairstyle idea, you’ll notice that the style at play is a twist-out. While that works excellently to give you a natural Mohawk, a Mohawk isn’t the only hairstyle you can get with a twist-out and a slight cut. If you’re using pretty capable hairstylists, you should be able to do almost anything, just like the model right above.
4. Tapered Haircut with Curved Sides

While the two last hairstyles have more twist-outs than real haircuts, here’s a haircut that looks great, while requiring you actually to use a pair of scissors. The curved sides are excellent additions to the style, but you can also get a bit creative with it. Instead of her exact pattern, you can get something a bit simpler, or more complex.
5. Natural Tapered with Faded Sides

A cut like the one from the preceding suggestion may be adorable, but it’s a bit too bold and daring for some. Sometimes, you want to hide the fact that you installed the style by letting go of a sizeable chunk of your hair, and the best way to do that is by using faded sides. If that sounds like something you’d do, you should definitely try to replicate the hairstyle above.
6. Super Blonde Tapered Haircut

Colors can make all the difference in a hairstyle, and in this style, that is its primary highlight. While we’ve mostly seen black hair so far, have you tried imagining how blonde hair would look with the hairstyles we’ve seen so far? If you’re blonde or trying to color your hair blonde, here’s how getting a haircut could look.
7. Natural Tapered Haircut with Designed Curves

Mohawks look great, but the designed curves beside them look even better. If you’re looking to get a Mohawk and you have no problem with the idea of cutting and designing the sides of your hair, here’s a pretty adorable hairstyle idea for you. Replicating this exact design works, but you can make it even better without any extra work.
8. Tapered Twist Out with Colored Tip

When you’ve resolved to cut a significant part of your hair, making twist-outs with the rest always seems to look better than regular twist-outs. We’ve seen some hairstyles follow that template, but there are never too many proofs for a theory. Here’s another tapered twist-out on a cut to show you they’re made to match. The colored tips are other additions you should consider if you’re into that.
9. Red Tapered Haircut with Love Design

You can make any style look better by adding color, and what’s a better color to add than red? If you already sport plenty of red accessories, you can make everything look more cohesive by making your hair the same color. You can also add some styling to the side as you please, just as the model here has a love icon over there.
10. Short Colored Tapered Haircut

Red isn’t for everyone; so, it just mightn’t be for you. However, there are many similar colors that will look just as good on a tapered haircut, if not better. While this orange color isn’t my favorite from this compilation, it’s clearly as good as most of the other colored hairstyles in this compilation. Her big smile only makes everything look better.
11. Hot Black Tapered Cut

Sometimes, keeping your hair in its natural color is the correct thing to do, and one of those times is in this case. I can imagine how red or blue hair will look on her, and frankly, I don’t think I’ll like it as well as this. Nailing this cut specifically will likely take some time and effort, but if you have all those resources at your disposal, you should consider replicating it.
12. Short Tapered Haircut with Faded Sides

A tapered haircut with faded sides is one of the most popular variants of the style, as it involves combining two individually adorable styles into one. This style only works if you can live with short hair beside your head, which is about the entire faded sides for a tapered haircut. I’m also a fan of the side parting, which adds some extra beauty to the style.
13. Double Coloured Tapered Haircut with Faded Sides

At first glance, you might have guessed that this style is challenging to make, and you’d be right. Combining a haircut with a full-on style like the model did here is no joke, and making it look as good as it does here is even more challenging than the combination itself. The multicolor look is another plus for me, as there’s a section of the hair that matches her lipstick. It might be a tiny detail, but it makes her even more adorable.
14. Full Curls Tapered Haircut

You can make the ends of your hair into curls to make it look better, but what if there’s a better way to do it? Why make curls using the ends of your hair alone when your entire hair could consist of curls? That’s exactly what the model did here, and as you can see yourself, it’s one of the best hairstyles we’ve seen yet.
15. Simple Colored Tapered Haircut

The preceding hairstyle already looks cool, but can you imagine how much cooler it would look if it was in another color? That’s exactly what this suggestion sets out to show you, as you can see right above. Even if you don’t like that specific color, you can have it in other colors, and you can also add some designs to the side for extra flair.s
16. Colored Faded Natural Tapered Haircut

Having colored hair is cool, but black hair is also adorable. If you’re struggling to combine the two, this suggestion might offer some help, as it shows a creative way to combine your red-like hair with black. I also love the designs at the hair’s base, as they make an otherwise bland part of the hairstyle look interesting.
A tapered haircut is gradually getting acceptance as a feminine standard, and there are several ways to wear it beautifully. This compilation has listed 16, and one of them should work excellently for you. You can also add your style to anyone you choose to make it look even better.
If you need similar ideas, here are some helpful compilations for you.
- 18 Sassy Protective Mohawk Hairstyles You Should Try
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- 15 Adorable Weaving Hairstyles for Adults
- 16 Funky Black Sew-In Hairstyles You Should Try
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