quick weaves with curls

20 Classy Quick Weave with Curls You’ll Love

Quick weaves are naturally adorable hairstyles, but they’re even more so when you add curls. Here are the best quick weave with curls to try before the trend is out of vogue.

There are several ways to adorn a quick weave hairstyle: you can add bangs, tie it up as a ponytail, or get it with curls. Any of those options are fine, but we’re keying into one particularly: adding curls to your quick weave hairstyles.

The trend has stayed around for long enough that hairstylists have succeeded in perfecting it. Now, there’s no excuse for getting a curly quick weave hairstyle that doesn’t look adorable. However, a lot of people are still doing it, and the reason is simple: they’re not learning from others’ mistakes.

Learning from others’ mistakes can be time-consuming, and that’s why I’ll teach you how to learn from their perfections. Here are 20 perfect quick weaves with curls that look beautiful enough for you to copy.

1. Side Part Quick Weave with Curls

Side Part Quick Weave with Curls

I feel like we’re starting with the best here, as it seems legitimately challenging to beat something that looks this adorable. The side parting is a quality I adore in all hairstyles, and the curls seem organized and well-thought-out. Unarguably one of the best-looking quick weave hairstyles with curls there is.

2. Short Fluffy Quick Weave with Curls

Short Fluffy Quick Weave with Curls

I don’t imagine we’d be seeing longer hairstyles here, as we’ve started on a “short” note already. Short, fluffy, and colorful, this hairstyle doesn’t quite match the appeal of the preceding item in the compilation but it looks good enough to fit well in this nice little compilation.

3. Messy Bun Quick Weave with Curls

Messy Bun Quick Weave with Curls

Yet another short hairstyle, I’ve frankly lost all hope that we’ll see anything longer than this. I like the curl pattern here better than anything we’ve seen yet, and the color combination looks amazing. As long as the hairstyles look this good, who cares about long hair?

4. Short Natural Quick Weave with Curls

Short Natural Quick Weave with Curls

Artificial-looking hair extensions may be beautiful and all, but they all look artificial, and that poses a problem for some fashionistas. If you find yourself wanting your hair to look natural, this is probably a better quick-weave hairstyle with curls for you.

5. Brown Quick Weave with Soft Curls

Brown Quick Weave with Soft Curls

Brown hair isn’t objectively better than black hair; it’s just different. If you tend to be biased toward a brown hair color, this should be your favorite entry in this compilation. The wavy look may not be very representative of the idea of curls, but her smile does represent beauty, and that’s enough.

6. Classic Natural Quick Weave with Curls

Classic Natural Quick Weave with Curls

This hairstyle proves that you can look amazing even without dying your hair brown. Just ensure your quick weaves feature not-so-pronounced curls and your face features a beautiful smile; that alone should do.

7. Centered-Parted Quick Weave with Curls

Centered-Parted Quick Weave with Curls

A center parting is an easy way to create a hairstyle that leaves lasting impressions. The seamless combination of black and brown and the large curls are two other elements of this hairstyle idea that will certainly make lasting impressions.

8. Shoulder-Length Quick Weave with Curls

Shoulder-Length Quick Weave with Curls

This quick wave hairstyle gives the illusion of a full hairstyle, which is a quality most ladies appreciate in their hair. While the curl definition isn’t the best, the adorable look makes it impossible to exclude this masterpiece from this compilation.

9. Baby Face Quick Weave with Curls

Baby Face Quick Weave with Curls

A center parting never disappoints when it comes to quick weaves, and that’s what’s playing out here too. The hairstyle itself looks basic, beautifully basic, but the brilliant smile makes it look somewhat like a big deal.

10. Layered Quick Weave with Curls

Layered Quick Weave with Curls

Colors make hairstyles pop, and here’s an example of a colored hairstyle done right. If you’re specifically after a layered hairstyle, you won’t get plenty of ideas from this compilation, but thankfully, the only idea happens to be an insanely adorable one.

11. Side Part Sewin Quick Weave with Curls

Side Part Sewin Quick Weave with Curls

A center parting is adorable, but do you know what’s even more adorable? A proper side parting, like the model above, demonstrates. I’m also a fan of the hairstyle’s wave-like curls; they all contribute to making it an excellent hairstyle idea for this compilation.

12. Fontal Quick Weave with Curls

Fontal Quick Weave with Curls

Another side parting, but this time in a livelier brown-yellow gradient. As someone who doesn’t fancy yellow hair, I wouldn’t wear that, but I have no problem recommending it since I find this particular style adorable.

13. Classic Blow-out Quick Weave with Curls

Classic Blow-out Quick Weave with Curls

What’s better than a side parting on a quick weave? A curved side parting on a quick weave. While you may need some effort to pull off this look, I believe the end justifies the means. Also, I love that reddish brunette hair color.

14. Blonde and Brown Quick Weave with Curls

Blonde and Brown Quick Weave with Curls

Here’s another implementation of the curved parting style, but with a different hair color this time. The blonde color isn’t half bad, and with the waves to complement the look, what we have here is something that qualifies as adorable or even more.

15. Messy Bun and Frontals Quick Weave with Curls

Messy Messy and Frontals Quick Weave with Curls

If you don’t want the regular boring look of a curly weave, you can pull it to the back and tie it into a bun, like this model. You want to make the bun a bit messy for added effect, and frontals make it easy to add a symmetrical middle parting. Totally one of the most adorable hairstyles in this compilation.

16. Simple Long Quick Weave with Curls

Simple Long Quick Weave with Curls

After years of not seeing a single long weave, here’s a first, and luckily for long-hair loyalists, it looks adorable enough to be worth replicating. However, the model doesn’t seem to be very pleased with the hairstyle, and who knows why that may be?

17. Butt-Length Full Quick Weave with Curls

Butt-Length Full Quick Weave with Curls

If you want something the model seems pleased to wear, here’s an adorable option for you. Despite being insanely long, the curls traverse the entire length of the style, giving it the look of a pretty little coat.

18. Fishtail Quick Weave with Curls

Fishtail Quick Weave with Curls

Here’s another example of a long quick weave with curls, but the curls seem twisted, making it look somewhat different. I’m a fan of the smooth look at the bottom, and the model’s struggle to hold in her smile implies she loves the hairstyle; you should too.

19. Tri-Colour Quick Weave with Curls

Tri-Colour Quick Weave with Curls

This quick weave doesn’t look quite as long as the preceding idea, but it manages to look more adorable, thanks to the multiple but matching colors. If there was ever an easy way to make your curly quick weave hairstyle look adorable, it would be by combining matching colors.

20. Ponytail Quick Weave with Curls

Ponytail Quick Weave with Curls

Here’s another long quick weave with curls that looks insanely great without featuring multiple colors. To be fair, it has excellent bangs, enviable curls, and a smooth look; not to talk of the ponytail sitting beautifully at the hairstyle’s summit to make everything look twice as beautiful.


Adding curls to your quick weaves can make them look several times better, as you’ve seen from countless hairstyle inspirations above. You can choose any of the ideas from the compilation and copy them to produce a hairstyle that looks good enough for compliments.

Do you want to learn what else could make your hairstyle better? Then, check out the posts below.

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classy quick weaves with curls

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