20 Classy Hairstyles That Last Three Months or More
Getting a hairstyle to last three months isn’t on the list of easy things to do. Here is a list of the few hairstyles that last three months to consider.
Three months is on the long side when it comes to how long hairstyles last. Unless you’re trying to get locs or some similar ultra-long-lasting natural hairstyle, you’ll have to agree that three months is the realistic maximum for how long your hairstyle could last.
As you’d expect, there aren’t plenty of hairstyles out there that can last for three months without requiring you to make a full redo. Some will last for that long with occasional redos, but we’ll agree those also last for three months for this article.
If you won’t be having enough time for a full redo of your hair in three months, you may want a hairstyle that will last you for the entire period. Here is a compilation of some of the prettiest hairstyles that will last you for three months or more.
Classy Hairstyles that Last Three Months or More
1. Tiny Braids with Curly Ends

Here’s a free tip: the tinier you make your braids, the less likely it will be for them to unravel by themselves. So, it makes a lot of sense for the first hairstyle in this collection to be tiny braids using that logic. The curly ends add some extra pizzazz that makes the style look even better.
2. Tiny All-Back Curly Cornrow Braids

Referring to this hairstyle as all-back cornrows is a bit of a stretch, especially when it’s pretty clear that some of the braids are to the side, but that’s beside the point (no pun intended). The tininess makes it good enough to last for three months, using the logic from the preceding inspiration.
3. Knotless braids Extended Length

I’d be surprised if I learned your hair is this long, but it doesn’t have to be for you to pull off these abnormally long extended-length knotless braids. The combination of the extraordinary length and the finishing curls are all you need in a hairstyle you’ll be wearing for upwards of three months.
4. Small Medium Knotless Braids

The knotless braid hairstyle is one of my favorite protective styles out there, and this photo has demonstrated why that is the case. You can also see it’s tiny enough to last for up to three months, and you’ll see that the combination of the length and the neat edges is all the cutenes you need.
5. Classic Braided Bun

If you wear braided cornrows that are exceptionally long, you may want to tie them up in a bun as in the inspiration above for a more refined look. Of course, you don’t have to keep the bun; you can always untie it and leave your hair free if that’s what you want at any point.
6. Criss and Cross Braided Updo

How about trying a braided updo with a base of criss and cross cornrows? For some extra flair, you may want to consider adding a second color to the updo, like the model here using blue hair. If you replicate this hairstyle, you shouldn’t have to think of what hairstyle to make for another three months.
7. Blue Long Twist Hair

If you’re tired of the traditional black, blonde, and brown colors for your hair, you can go ahead and try something completely different, like a sky blue twist, as in this example. I’m not sure if the length is the better part or the size, but either way, this hairstyle is a bomb.
8. Locs Twist with Clips

Locs are known to be super long-lasting hairstyles, so, it’s no surprise that this hairstyle made it to this compilation. You can wear it for as long as you want, as locs keep getting better as they age. Don’t forget to add the clips, as they make a beautiful statement.
9. Box Twist Hairstyle

I’m not sure the box twist hairstyle would be one of my first picks for a hairstyle that will last for three months, but if you’re willing to put some effort into maintenance, it could work. You only need to ensure you’re renewing your twists every now and then, and it should look new through the months.
10. Mixed Tone Curly Twist

The curly twist hairstyle is another that tends that last for a pretty long time, but it’s not even the highlight of this inspiration. Wearing the same hairstyle for three months can be pretty boring, so you may want to make the hairstyle interesting by using multiple colors. The different shades of brown used here is a great example.
11. Red Fulani Braids

Fulani braids look very nice by default, but they’re even nicer if you’re willing to add some extra pizzazz. In this hairstyle inspiration, the model uses red hair extensions to make the Fulani braids for some flair. You’re free to use any color, but you should know this is the best-looking Fulani braids I’ve seen so far.
12. Short Blonde Dreadlocks

Your dreadlocks don’t need to be long, unless you’re on your way to becoming a reggae artist. If you want to keep it controllable without losing any of the benefits of wearing locs, you should consider keeping it short. Recall that you can wear locs for as long as you want; the blonde look is also dope.
13. Twisted Locs Chignon

If you don’t understand what’s going on here, it’s basically tiny locs twisted together to form large twists, and the residual bulk of hair converging at the back to form a giant chignon. Given how cute it looks, the only reason why you may skip this is its complexity.
14. Two Strand Twist Locs

The hairstyle looks just as confusing as its name, but the beautiful thing about styling hair is that confusion can be pretty adorable. While looking like an undecided union between locs and twists, it still managed to look pretty awesome.
15. Double Colored Box Locs

You’ve seen box braids, box twists, and knotless braids, but have you ever seen box locs? While one of the defining properties of locs is the rough edges, the model in this idea has managed to achieve locs, while keeping the edges somewhat neat, and honestly, it looks great.
16. Comb Coil Locs

At this point, I’m just going to say it: if you want to wear your hairstyle for three months or more, just get locs. Just take a look at this; I don’t imagine it getting to a time when it will look so bad that you won’t want to wear it. When it comes to locs, you’ll wear it until you’re not longer interested, that’s the deal.
17. Ponytail Cornrow Braids

If you’re all for making your braids long, you may want to tie them into a ponytail to make this hairstyle. It’s not the best-looking hairstyle we’ve seen today, and it likely won’t be the longest-lasting today. However, we can all agree that it looks great, and it will survive a couple of months, at least.
18. Black Goddess Locs

Installing goddess locs might be your best bet if you don’t imagine wearing the hairstyle for more than three to four months. Recall that goddess locs are more of faux locs and are not meant to be worn for years like real dreadlocks. Still, it looks pretty cool, even in the default black color.
19. Brunette Updo Locs

I tend to find brunette hair adorable, and the locs here will last for as long as you intend to carry them. As far as long-lasting protective hairstyles go, you’ll struggle to find something that works as well as this.
20. Dreadlock Flat Twists

I don’t think there’s any need for me to start preaching how long dreadlocks last since I’ve been singing praises for pretty much the entirety of this article. You may want to note that the flat twists are not as resilient, but they should have no problem holding up the locs for three months.
A hairstyle that lasts for three months or more can be said to be an ultra-long-lasting hairstyle. As you must’ve known, there aren’t many such hairstyles out there, which is what drove you here in the first place. If three months is your target, you don’t get a better collection of hairstyles than these.
To learn about some hairstyles that may potentially last for that long, you may want to check out these articles.